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Ground Ants


It has been said that no insects causes so much personal annoyance as ants. They attempt to appropriate our food, invade our houses, disfigure our lawns and some even destroy windowsills and woodwork. They can swarm into houses, getting into all kinds of food and becoming general nuisances. Ground ants consist of many species that live in colonies, in the soil or frequently in turfgrass areas and flower beds adjacent to the home.

There are many species of ground ants including Argentine ants (Linepithema humile), little black ants (Monomorium minimum), odorous house ants (Tapinoma sessile) and citronella ants (Acanthomyops interjectus). These ant species are social insects that live in colonies or nests, which contain egg-laying queens, the young or larvae, pupae and many worker ants. The workers, all sterile females, care for the colony and search for food to bring to the nest. In the spring or fall, ant colonies may produce winged males and females which fly about, mate and can start a new colony.


The most effective and fastest way to control ground ants is to eliminate their food source, colonies and create a protective barrier around the structure. To eliminate existing ant colonies and trails, use Scion® Insecticide to treat areas where ants are nesting or trailing, including trunks of trees and the foundation. Look for ant mounds and drench any nests found. Treat plants that may harbor food sources for ants, along with trash cans and potted plants. Create a barrier by treating 3-feet up the side of the building, and barriers along fence lines, driveways, sidewalks and patios with Scion Insecticide at 0.33 to 0.65l fl. oz./1000 sq ft. Also remember to prevent future nesting sites by removing items such as flat rocks and debris they could nest beneath.

For a granular option, apply Talstar® Xtra Granular around the perimeter of the structure and in areas with dense foliage, groundcover, mulch, leaf litter or rock. Talstar Granular Insecticides penetrate to the soil where ants are found. Use 2.3 lbs. per 1000 sq ft in the spring and again 3 months later in the summer. Trimming back plants that touch the structure, using baits and actually locating and destroying of brood and satellite ant colonies may help provide longer more effective control of ant populations through time.