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Kalida Fungicide Cool Season

Kalida® Researcher Video Cool Season

"The combination of DMI and SDHI chemistries makes this a great candidate to incorporate into your fall and spring fungicide program because there will be activity against several important diseases at key times.”

David McCall, Ph.D. Virginia Tech University


Create Your Own Masterpiece with Kalida

Kalida™ fungicide is a powerful premix that provides a complete protection option against multiple troublesome diseases at the same time. With the combined power of two unique active ingredients, Fluindapyr – a new and novel FMC SDHI fungicide – and next-generation DMI, Flutriafol, Kalida™ provides complete protection against Anthracnose, Brown Patch, Dollar Spot, and Fairy Ring. As a foundation fungicide, Kalida® provides rapid uptake, longevity, and controls your toughest diseases as a standalone or part of a program.

"Kalida™ fungicide consistently provided excellent control of dollar spot on creeping bentgrass in our trials over 3 years. This is particularly impressive since the study site has documented SDHI insensitivity to dollar spot, as well as some level of reduced sensitivity to DMI fungicides. Kalida® fungicide also consistently provided excellent control of brown patch on colonial bentgrass”

Bruce Clarke, Ph.D. Rutgers University


KeY Diseases 

  • Anthracnose
  • Brown Patch
  • Dollar spot 
  • Fair Ring

Kalida™ also controls numerous other labeled diseases commonly found in cool-season turfgrasse

Labeled use sites

  • Golf Courses
  • Commercial Sites
  • Industrial Sites

Fluindapyr is a new and novel succinate dehydrogenase inhibitor fungicide (SDHI). Its unique pyrazole carboxamide structure and methyl group give control of Rhizoctonia species as well as leaf and patch diseases. Paired with flutriafol, the combined AI’s reach level of control and spectrum that’s hard to beat